Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Best Natural Beaches in the Philippines

Iloilo beaches are often overshadowed by the much promoted Boracay although they are in the same island of Panay.

As most of the beautiful beaches of Iloilo have been kept in fishing families hands, they have largely been undeveloped given that the roads have only been improved recently. But go now as you still can enjoy the natural beauty without high story hotels all over the lace.

Accommodations are still simple but the beaches in the different neighboring islands offer unique experiences. Rent a boat and go island hopping and discover the beauty that each of the islands offer. You will also mee some of the most accomodating island residents.

If you are a seafood fan, visit their fish port and just buy all the seafood you can eat. You will always find people in the island ready to cook these for you.


Steffie's Big Steps said...

If you want beaches in their most natural beauty, visit Concepcion, Iloilo!

Nitiin said...

Pescador Island, Moalboal, Cebu. Fantastic Sardine Run! We’re engulfed in the middle of billions of glittering sardines dancing in the waves! Awesome experience!